recently Alan posted a very nice aticle around prettifying json, reminded me of <this draft>... he posted 2 out of 3 utilities I was gonna mention... so here is 3rd and the shell profile way to use first 2
3rd utility is 'jq', an awesome utility which prettifies an perform sed-like operations on json. This tutorial describes all its magical powers.
$ sudo wget -c -O /etc/profile.d/ contains 2 functions available at shell
# usage example:
# $ json_me 'echo {"a": 1, "b": 2}'
# $ json_me 'curl'
bash -c $@ | python -mjson.tool
# requirement: $ pip install pjson
# usage example:
# $ pjson_me 'echo {"a": 1, "b": 2}'
# $ pjson_me 'curl'
bash -c $@ | pjson
3rd utility is 'jq', an awesome utility which prettifies an perform sed-like operations on json. This tutorial describes all its magical powers.