Monday, June 11, 2012

Creating RPM of MCollective for Ruby1.9

Note: With little tweaks comes major pre-requisite checks.

Clone the latest branch from GitHub repo for MCollective
$ git clone git://

Removing Ruby 1.8 version specification from RedHat Spec
$ sed -i 's/.*ruby.abi.*//g' ext/redhat/mcollective.spec
from the changes 11/Jun/2011 : marionette-collective/commit/ba86f7762d
the lines removed by above command are
BuildRequires: ruby(abi) = 1.8
Requires: ruby(abi) = 1.8

Removing Rubygem related specification from RedHat Spec
$ sed -i 's/.*rubygem.*//g' ext/redhat/mcollective.spec
from the changes 11/Jun/2011 : marionette-collective/commit/ba86f7762d
the lines removed by above command are
Requires: rubygems
Requires: rubygem(stomp)

create the RPMs, generating this would require you to be on a RedHat-base system with packages like ruby, rubygem rake, redhat-lsb (& rpm-build, I think) installed
$ rake rpm

The checks you need:
On the machine where you install the created rpms..... remember to get ruby1.9.3 and rubygem stomp already installed.

Can get older created MCollective 1.3.2 RPMs friendly with Ruby 1.9 at .

The latest branch will give you version 2.0.1 .